Совсем недавно разбирал «формулу эриксоновской любви» в исполнении Джефри Зайга. Но, надо признать, это целиком и полностью не его идея. Это на сто процентов идея М. Эриксона (или же моделирование настоящей любви в отношениях, если быть точным). И описана Джеем Хейли со слов Эриксона же:
Наley: If you were to describe what a good marriage is, how would you describe it?
Erickson: When I describe a good marriage to my patients, I point out to them that there are essentially four kinds of love. The infantile type of love, “I love me.” The next stage, “I love the me in you. I love you because you are my brother, my mother, my father, my sister, my dog. The me in you” Then the adolescent type of love, “I love you because your dancing pleases me, and because your beauty pleases me, and because your brains please me.” And the adult stage of love wherein, “I want to love you and cherish you because I want to see you happy because I can find my happiness in your happiness. The happier you are, the happier I’ll be. I’ll find my happiness in yours. I’ll find delight in your pleasure and intellectual pursuits. Ill find a delight in your enjoyment of dancing.» So, the mature love is the capacity to find enjoyment in the enjoyment of the other person’s enjoyment. It works both ways. (далее…)